Privacy Policy

Control what information we can use to personalize your experience.
When you use our website, you can control what information you want to share, and you can update these settings at any time. This describes how we use cookies, work with advertising partners, and collect information from your different devices to provide a consistent and personalized experience for you. For an optimal user experience, you should activate all sliders below and thus give us your overall consent. If you would like to change the settings only for individual processing purposes and/or partners, you can do this at any time by activating the slider below for the respective processing purpose for all or individual partners. If you only make your settings for individual partners within the scope of an intended purpose.

Special purposes

Ensure security, prevent fraud, and troubleshoot errors
Your data may be used to identify and prevent fraudulent activity and to ensure that systems and processes function properly and securely.
To ensure security, prevent fraud, and resolve errors, providers can: * ensure that data is transmitted securely; * detect and prevent harmful, fraudulent, invalid, or illegal activities; * ensure the correct and efficient operation of systems and processes - including monitoring and improving the performance of systems and processes - within the permitted processing purposes. Providers cannot: * Carry out data processing defined in one of the other processing purposes. Note: Data collected and used to ensure security, prevent fraud, and eliminate errors. may include automatically sent device characteristics for identification, precise geolocation data, and data, which are obtained by active scanning of the device. Identification characteristics without separate disclosure and/or opt-in.

What information is used?

Here is a complete list of information that could be collected:
- Browser type and settings
- Information about the device's operating system
- Cookie information
- Information about other identifiers assigned to the device
- The IP address from which the device accesses the website or app
- Information about user activity for the device in question, including websites and apps visited or used
- Information about the device's geographical location when accessing a website or app